活動主題 : 【Webinar】亞洲生技線上大會 BIO Asia–Taiwan 2021
活動類型 : 線上活動
其他說明 :
With over 60% of the global population, Asia is uniquely poised to make the most of AI and big data, to realize the dream of precision medicine delivered efficiently and at cost.
Join us at BIO Asia-Taiwan 2021 to learn about the latest trends and developments in the use of smart tech to drive therapeutic development, clinical trials, and personalized medicine, including key perspectives on data-driven precision health, insight on the latest advances in AI smart health, and a panel discussion on the future of AI in healthcare.
Register now to get a unique view of how AI and big data are changing biotech development and clinical medicine for the better, only at BIO Asia-Taiwan 2021!
Who should attend?
◆ Leaders and professionals in the AI and big data ecosystem
◆ Providers of AI and big data solutions and services
◆ Policymakers, researchers, and educators in the fields of AI and big data